

Article I:  Name and Territorial Limits

Section 1.    This organization shall be known as the Georgetown Club of Shanghai, hereinafter known as the Club.

Section 2.    The territorial limits of the Club shall be confined to Eastern China.

Article II: Objectives

Section 1.   The objectives of the Club shall be, in accordance with the wishes of the Board of Governors of the Georgetown University Alumni Association.

1.    To advance the interests of Georgetown University;;
2. To perpetuate and strengthen Georgetown University friendships;
3. To preserve and draw together more closely the bonds of fellowship among Georgetown University officers, faculty, students, family and alumni;
4. To promote the intellectual, temporal, spiritual and social welfare of the general membership, and;
5. To serve the local community.

Article III: Membership

Section 1.    There shall be the following classes of membership:
Voting Members and Non-voting Members:

1. Voting Members:  Any individual who is a graduate of a Georgetown University institution residing in the territorial limits of the club or who has regular professional activity within the territorial limits of the club. These individuals will be given the right to vote during all club elections and business meetings.

2. Non-voting Members: Any individual who is a student, faculty member, friend, or family member of a current student or alum of Georgetown University who resides within the territorial limits of the club or who has regular professional activity within the territorial limits of the club.

These members may join in the activities of the club but are not permitted to vote in elections or Business Meetings.   

Article IV:  Termination of Membership

Section 1. Any member may resign his membership by notifying the Secretary of the Club in writing.

Article V:  Executive Committee

Section 1. The governing body of the Club shall be the Executive Committee.  Its decisions can be overruled only by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present at a Business Meeting. 

Section 2.  The Executive Committee shall include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, whose terms shall be in accordance with Article VI, Section 6.

Section 3. The Executive Committee of the Club shall meet quarterly at a time and place designated by the President. 

Section 4. Any three members of the Executive Committee shall have the right to call a meeting of the Committee on two weeks notice by writing to all members of the Committee. 

Section 5. Any member of the Executive Committee who is not present at fifty percent of the meetings of the Committee without good cause shall be deemed to have resigned from the Executive Committee.

Article VI:  Officers and Duties

Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.  

Section 2. The President shall preside over all meetings, appoint all committees, shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee, and shall have such further duties as ordinarily pertain to the office of President. The President is the official representative of the Club and is directly responsible for all external communications on behalf of the Club and for all internal communications with Club members.

Section 3. The Vice President is responsible for supporting the President in carrying out his or her duties in his or her absence. The Vice President is tasked with helping the President to organize and manage Club social events. 

Section 4. The Secretary shall record all proceedings of meetings of the Club and of meetings of the Executive Committee, shall maintain a current roster of members, shall be custodian of the records, maintenance of the club website, social networking links and shall have such further duties as ordinarily pertain to the office of Secretary. 

Section 5. The Treasurer shall keep the books and accounts and have custody of all funds of the Club.  The Treasurer shall render annual reports of the financial position of the Club as directed by the President, attend to the payment of all bills and obligations, deposit all funds of the Club in the account of the Georgetown Club of Shanghai in a bank designated by the Executive Committee, and have such further duties as ordinarily pertain to the office of Treasurer. 

Section 6. All officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of one year.  Elections shall take place on approximately May 15th of the election year.  All voting members are eligible for election to office.  There shall be a transition period of one month before the newly elected officers assume office on approximately June 15th to ensure experience and continuity in all offices of the Club.

In the event of a vacancy in any office, the President shall have the power to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term.  In the event the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall succeed to that office. 

Section 7. Nomination for such election shall be sent to the President two weeks prior to on-line elections.  Further nominations may be made from the floor at the time of the election meeting to be held prior to the online elections.  At the election meeting candidates will be allowed to present their platform to those who are present. This platform will also be included on the online ballot. The candidate who receives the largest number of the votes cast on the online ballot shall be elected.

Article VII: Fiscal Year

Section 1. The Club’s fiscal year shall be the calendar year.

Article VIII:  Business Meetings

Section 1.   The Club shall hold a Business Meeting at least once a year.

Section 2. Business Meetings may be called at any time on one month’s notice in writing by the President or the Executive Committee. 

Section 3. Upon the written request for a special meeting by at least five (5) members in good standing, setting forth the objectives and reasons therefore, it shall be the duty of the President to call a special meeting for the purpose specified in such request. 

Section 4. The objectives of the Business Meeting:

a. Determine yearly schedule of events
b. Determine goals & objectives of the club
c. Review past events and actions of the club
d. Address the concerns of the club membership
e. Review of roles and committees

Section 5. Attendance at the Business Meeting shall be limited to voting members of the club 

Article IX:  Affiliation with the Board of Governors of Georgetown University’s Alumni Association

Section 1. The Club is authorized by the Governors of the Georgetown University Alumni Association and shall cooperate with the Alumni Board of Governors and its regional organizations. 

Section 2. The Georgetown Club of Shanghai as an affiliated member organization of the Georgetown University Alumni Association is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and specific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of any distribution to Georgetown University and other organizations affiliated with Georgetown University that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Laws).

Further, upon the dissolution of the Club, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Club, dispose of all of the assets of the Club exclusively for the purposes of the Club or Georgetown University or other organizations affiliated with Georgetown University organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Executive Committee of the Club shall determine.       

Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of appropriate jurisdiction having supervision over non-profit organizations of the county in which the principal office of the Club is then located exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Article X:  Committees

Section 1. The Club shall have such committees as the Executive Committee deems necessary to discharge its programs.

Article XI: Amendements

Section 1. The Bylaws may be amended only by a two-thirds vote of the Voting Members who cast ballots in an online vote following a Business Meeting.  Proposed amendments shall be filed with the Secretary in writing, and a written resolution proposing such amendments shall be introduced at a Business Meeting.  Amendments shall not become a part of the Bylaws until the same have been submitted to and approved by the Board of Governors of the Georgetown University  Alumni Association.

Article XII: Conflict of Interest

Section 1. No member shall use the club, its distribution list, membership base or name to promote or solicit business for any business, event or venture.

Section 2.  Any member found to be in violation of Article XII, Section 1 shall have their membership terminated immediately and will be considered banned from any future events by order of the Executive Committee. 




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