Event: MSB Professor Aggarwal Shares Thoughts on Global Financial Crisis

Please note updated location
Professor Reena Aggarwal of the Business School will be traveling to Shanghai and has been kind enough to offer to share some of her time with us.  Next Tuesday May 5th, we will have a dinner at Jade Buddha Vegetarian Lifestyle Restaurant during which Professor Aggarwal will share some of her thoughts about the Global Financial Crisis with us.  We hope you will be able to join us!

Professor Aggarwal specializes in international stock markets, initial public offerings and corporate governance. Her current research focuses on international investments by mutual funds, international corporate governance and market valuation, demutualization of stock exchanges and public offerings. She teaches courses in Corporate Finance, Alternative Investments and Investment Banking. She has been named among “Outstanding Faculty” in the Business Week Guide to the Best Business Schools.

When: Tuesday May 5th, 7:30 pm
Where: Vegetarian Lifestyle Restaurant
258 Fengxian Lu (one block away from Nanjing Xi Lu)
near Jiangning Lu
奉贤路258号 近江宁路
Price: 50 RMB, drinks ordered separately
RSVP: Caitlin Kelly, caitlin.gildea.kelly@gmail.com